A review by tresdem
In the Time of Dinosaurs by K.A. Applegate


Maybe I'm too old for this but man was this one annoying to read. It was like watching Jurassic Park on repeat, and only the jumpscare actiony bits. I hated the personification of the Tyrannosaur, even though it's filtered through the eyes of kids who have seen Jurassic Park. Like T-rexes I am sure had down time. Predators are really chill you know? Not raging titanic masses of fury 24-7.

the aliens were dumb. The we were meant to save history from these aliens are dumb. And a lot of it was just plain boring with no lasting consequence. I didn't like this book much.

Though I do like that Tobias made the hardcore decision at the end. That was pretty badass and tough and surprising and gave it an extra star. Otherwise it was boring as all get out