A review by crtsjffrsn
Damned If You Do by Marie Sexton


Abaddon is down to his last chance. If he doesn't do something to meet his quota for soul collection soon, he'll be demoted a less than desirable job. He needs a big score. And he knows just where to get it.

Traveling to "the Bible Belt," Abaddon quickly finds Seth, a blind musician who is part of a traveling revival. His purity quickly draws Abaddon in. Seth's soul would be an ultimate score. But Abaddon is drawn to Seth in other ways too--ways that make his task more difficult to complete than he expected.

But there's something about Seth that Abaddon can't quite figure out. There's more to Seth's story than Seth himself might even know. At the end of it all, will Abaddon be able to collect Seth's soul knowing what it means for him? Or will be willing to walk away to save Seth while sacrificing himself to an eternity of one of the worst jobs in Hell?


The opening here is right out of Charlie Daniels song--and it didn't strike me as a particularly original approach. Sadly, that really colored the way I read the rest of the book. It took a long time for me to get past that and into the story, which is actually an interesting one. Had it not been for that scene, I feel like it would have been easier to connect with the story. It was more distracting than anything else.

Abaddon and Seth certainly experience a quick-build relationship. It borders a bit on unbelievable, but as the rest of the story unfolds, it all ends up making sense.

If you're looking for something that will let you just sort of roll with the story, this book would be one of those. It's not going to require you to think too much, and it's likely to keep you entertained.

[Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.]