A review by dragonflyreads
On Solid Ground by Melissa Collins


**ARC provided in exchange for an honest review**

I fell in love with Melissa Collins' writing during her Love series. She is a master at capturing love and loss. I first read her m/m Let Love Live truly and it broke me and hooked me to her future books. With that said, I was more than excited to dive into On Solid Ground the moment I heard of it's release.

Dax is a truly broken man and desperately wants to find himself after returning home post-war. Suffering from extreme anxiety and PTSD has landed him many attacks and with them, violence comes easy.

"How? How do you let go of the guilt of being alive?"
"By living the best fucking life you can."

Beck has had a very tough life starting with his less than steller upbringing. With wanting a more meaningful life, and dealing with the cards life has dealt, he's not wanting to bring too much stress to his already packed day to day.

"We don't become united; it's as if we've always been united somehow and these movements simply remind us that our other half was always out there."

Both men are trying to forget their pasts to have a better future. The real question is, is will their futures include eachother?

If you're looking for a new romance and aren't afraid of the m/m aspect, read On Solid Ground. It's a wonderful mix of angst, love, humor and the thought of a better life.

4.5 Stars