A review by balletbookworm
On the Corner of Hope and Main: A Blessings Novel by Beverly Jenkins


Rolling this up to a 4 star rating. If you’ve been reading Ms Bev’s Blessing series, this is a really solid entertaining continuation of the lives and happenings and shenanigans of the population of Henry Adams, KS. There’s an election for mayor that doesn’t go NEARLY as anyone planned, Bernardine’s trash ex-husband shows up to cause problems, and a certain felonious porcine character makes a reappearance.

However, if you, like me, had not read any of the previous books you might be at sea for a bit until you catch up. I was expecting a series more like Bev’s romance series, where there’s a bit more separation between the stories so they can read more as linked stand-alones. But the Blessings series is true serialized storytelling, much like a soap opera, where the “main character” is the population of the town. The characters move forward and back in prominence depending on whether their subplot needs to come to the fore. So I kept backing up to re-read so I could keep the many characters and their relationships straight. But it was a fun read once I had everyone straightened out. Ms Bev really lets her sarcastic side fly at times. Someday, I’ll back up and pickup the earlier books.

Thanks to William Morrow for the review copy.