A review by v_nessa
A Mortal Likeness by Laura Joh Rowland


I just wasn't a fan of this book's writing style. The text was very straightforward with little interpretation, subtext, or clues. The characters could be interesting but there didn't seem to be much emotion involved. Sarah talks about how she and Hugh are good friends, good enough to share accommodations, but it feels forced because I don't feel like there is any connection between them. Sarah is helping the butler take care of household chores and Hugh, who was of higher status before being disowned, and let him steamroll their concerns about food, money, or keeping a roof over their heads.

I believe the incident with her father (and her memories of his disappearance) had potential to be an interesting story on its own, but it was added to muddy the waters and make it less emotionally impactful.

Sarah and Hugh are immediately framed for murder in no surprise to anyone after they photographed the people the day before they were found dead. (I personally really dislike this trope.) It felt like there was too much going on, likely on purpose to make the reader feel the protagonist's feelings of pressure, but for me, it detracted from my experience. I DNF'd early in the book, probably at 1/3 way in or before.

Thanks to Netgalley for access to an ARC in exchange for an unbiased review.