A review by chocolatemeerkat
Party of Three by Sandy Lowe

Did not finish book.
First off the cover and title make this book sound like this is going to be an FFF polyam romance. It is none of those things. Even with it not being that thing the first 25% that I read of Sarah stories was grossly acephobic and also she pretty much forced herself on her ex while drunk when her ex didnt want to have sex. No one owes you sex ever I dont care if they turn out to be a cheater. The treatment of asexuality as a prop was disgusting, as was the wooo I'm safe Ryan isnt actually a dude so I dont have to worry about not being a lesbian was incredibly gross and biphobic as well as potentially transphobic.

Sarah is also incredibly entitled especially about her business and the investor thinking he shouldnt have an opinion. Well guess what honey he doesnt want to loose money on a bakery in times square.

Also the weird plot point about Ryan and the kissing booth and the other girl probably liking kissing the entire town for her boyfriend is incredibly gross and regressive

I didnt bother with the other two stories but the only mention of bisexuality I did see was a bi girl conning one of the other girls into a threesome which hey is also incredibly biphobic.

This was not an enjoyable read with its treatment of mental health and other sexualities