A review by wrentheblurry
Miss Mabel's School for Girls by Katie Cross


DISCLAIMER: I received this book for free from a Goodreads First Reads giveaway. As an added bonus, it was signed--with my name! This made me squeal probably more than it should have. Still, thanks.

4.5 Stars!!

Mostly Miss Mabel's School for Girls centers on Bianca, a teenager with a curse that she needs broken. Bianca plans on entering the school, and doing whatever is required to get Miss Mabel, the school's owner, to remove this curse. You'll get to know her teachers, fellow students, and her family.

There's not much I didn't like about this book, so I'll get that out of the way first. Initially, some of the characters felt hackneyed. Some of the events that unfolded weren't exactly surprises. And sure, sure, readers who enjoyed Harry Potter will probably like this too, although I didn't feel it was derivative. It just shares a few similarities.

By the end, none of that really mattered. Katie Cross' skill at character development sucked me in, and kept me eager to see what happened next. The good people aren't nauseatingly mamby pamby; they have flaws and weaknesses. The nasty ones are perfect at what they do. Even though it's a fantasy title, Cross made it all feel believable. Her pacing and timing flow just right, and her writing style appeals to both teenagers and adults.

The ending works well at keeping me eager for the next title, but at the same time being a satisfying title on its own merits.

Note: I only put this in my 'violent' shelf because some bad (and violent) things happen, and there's at least one super duper evil character, wicked through and through.

I read a fair number of first books in a proposed series. Most of the time, I'm good with just reading the initial title. Sometimes I figure if things work out, I'll read the next in the series. Rarely do I highly look forward to reading the next book, and I can say that I will definitely read Book Two in the Network Series!