A review by lesliekurt
Keep You Both: An MFF Holiday Novella by Kathryn Nolan, Kathryn Nolan


It is a creative, steamy, cute story that draws you in. I loved the female MCs. I loved that the MCs were bisexual, as bisexuals are grossly underrepresented in books and real life. However, there was one thing I didn't like and another that almost made me DNF it. What I didn't like was that Beau was a little too arrogant in the beginning. Confidence is sexy, and arrogance is ugly. Someone as arrogant as Beau in real life wouldn't have many friends unless they were damaged, but it's fiction and fine to look past this. Sometimes, I didn't like him in the story, and he deserved to be more well-liked. What I hated was the shifting narrative; this was worse initially but did improve.

Writing in the first-person narrative is difficult. I won't even attempt it myself. It becomes even more difficult when you have three MCs who are supposed to be equals. It shifted between first- and third-person too fluidly in the beginning. It went from Paige's point of view and what seemed to be a bystander's often. This shift made it very difficult for my ADHD brain to follow in the early parts of this book. I had to power through the first 25 pages or so. This issue could be just me, of course. The author did get better with this as the book progressed, with the POV only slipping a few times. Someone with an ND brain does pick up on these things. Unfortunately, I had to give it a 3 for what I saw as a significant structural issue. If the author had written the entire book in the third-person with the POV being a bystander, I might have given it a 5 (or if the POV was consistently Paige's). I would also be interested in reading more from this author as the story was great, and the storytelling provided just the right amount of detail, assuming that this problem doesn't occur in other books that they write.