A review by plottrysts
My Beautiful Enemy by Sherry Thomas


All possible stars for this amazing novel!! Seriously, where else are you going to read about star-crossed (but FATED) lovers who meet again after an 8-year separation? This book is written as a series of flashbacks. This is a really tough literary device to get right (we usually end up loving either the flashback story or the present, but not both at the same time), but Thomas's command of the structure is impeccable. Both the flashbacks and the present-set portions shed light on each other in the best possible way. There is a lot of suspense but it never feels forced.

The love story is poignant and the payoff is big once you get there. There are no explicitly erotic scenes, but the sexual tension and longing is palpable.

Oh, and did we mention that Catherine is a martial arts master? We recommend going into this book with no expectations, because it meets no genre standards we can think of (other than the HEA). Reading My Beautiful Enemy is a supremely satisfying experience!

And as our final word, we recommend reading the prequel AFTER this one (in publication order, not chronological order). This book absolutely stands on its own.

17-Word Summaries:

Laine: Spy goes to her father's homeland for a treasure map; encounters the lover she thought she killed.

Meg: Star-crossed lovers reunite in this genre-bending gem of a novel. My Beautiful Enemy = The Most Beautiful Angst.
