A review by badseedgirl
Suffer the Children by Craig DiLouie


So in 2014, [b:Blood Kin|18143940|Blood Kin|Steve Rasnic Tem|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1382971978l/18143940._SY75_.jpg|25491262] by Steve Rasnic Tem won the Stoker Award. Now I have not read it yet, but it must be the greatest book ever written to beat out this truly horrific story of how far desperate parents will go to keep their children alive.

This is the creepiest and most unique vampire story I have ever read and I can not express how much I am recommending this to anyone who reads this review. If you are a parent it is going to stretch your morals to the breaking point, and maybe just a little past what you are comfortable with.