A review by laurenkara
Stealing Snow by Danielle Paige


Read a less formal review for this feat. even more Parks & Recs GIFs @ my blog Wonderless Reviews

** I received of a free copy of this book via Bloomsbury and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review **

^This GIF could just be the entire review, but I'll try to elaborate more.

This book was straight up not for me. There was a LOVE SQUARE, an annoying main character and absolutely no word building. I can't even remember anything about this book except how much I didn't like it. There were tiny bits of potential throughout it, but nothing that stuck. It was just drowned out by all the awfulness such as medication shaming, poor handling of mental illnesses and cringeworthy lines like:

A life without kissing is no life at all.

I hate saying someone shouldn't read a book because we all see things differently, but there is no way I can recommend this. If you want to read it definitely pick up a copy from your library.

I'm not even sure how I managed to finish this book, but when I did this was my reaction: