A review by seanorrhea
House of Chains by Steven Erikson


I'm at a loss for words after this book, Karsa Orlong, the T'lan i'mass, sha'ik, the bridge burners, among SO many other reveals has me in awe once more, although I will say I was expecting more about the crippled god in this one, a certain character becoming the Knight of High House of Chains is not good news for the bound God, or anyone who stands in their way.

I'm sure I missed SO much during this read, but that's more than okay, because what I DID catc, what I predicted, what I was right about, or wrong about was all super satisfying, and I am positive that I'll be reading this series again, and I already can't wait to start the journey over, and I'm only 40% done with the series.

Time for a whole new set of characters, in a different time period, on a new continent. Bring it on, midnight tides.