A review by mattleesharp
The undiscovered islands by Malachy Tallack


I received this book through NetGalley in exchange for feedback and review.

This was a pretty interesting little book that was right up my alley. I have a tattoo of a rejected street map proposal for the city of New Orleans. I'm always eager to read up on interesting cartography quirks. And this book has all that. I learned a lot about the changing ways we've identified islands over the years. This book is a great survey of a niche subject.

And maybe my map love biased me a little here, but I did have one major issue here. In the version being sent out through NetGalley there aren't any maps! All the information is great. The writing is solid. But it seems borderline irresponsible to not provide copies of all the funky maps that are referenced in the book.

Illustrations of fish are great and all. They're super interesting to look at, but they're not a great substitute.