A review by katrinamarie
Exposed by Tracy Wolff


This review was originally posted on Bookish Things & More

Quickie Review

I cannot explain the love I have for Ethan and Chloe.  This book is definitely one that will take you on an emotional rollercoaster, and hope you come out happy in the end.

Exposed starts up right where Addicted left off.  And we get to see more ups and downs between Ethan and Chloe.  Ethan can't let go of what Brandon did to her, and has done to other girls.  He wants to attack him full force where it would hurt him.  Chloe still battles with if she deserves Ethan.  She still sees herself as dirty sometimes, and doesn't want to face the past.

There are times in books where things could be cleared up with just talking about it, but this isn't one of those books.  Talking about it doesn't help Ethan or Chloe's feelings.  They have to face the problem head on.  And doing that takes them down some dark roads.  But you want to have hope that they can come out better, and feel like they have cleansed themselves of the past that lurks behind them.

Things definitely aren't easy.  There are fights, make up sessions, and emotions that will gut you, but maybe their love for each other can conquer everything they've endured.

I'm sad to see this series end, but hopeful that we'll see bits and pieces of them in the spin off series.