A review by frenchtoast_n_books
Spin the Dawn by Elizabeth Lim


I have so much love for this Mulan-Project Runway mashup with deep Chinese culture and magic.

What's is about? Maia Tamarin works as a seamstress in her father's shop. When the Emperor summons a tailor from her father's shop to court to compete in a trial to find the next imperial tailor, she goes in her family's stead. However, a woman tailor is forbidden and discovery means death, but she will take the risk to save her family from ruin. The competition to cutthroat, but stakes become even higher when the final challenge forces Maia to travel to the ends of the kingdom to gather materials to sew three magical gowns.

What I thought? This book was beautiful. The prose and plot were on point. The magical elements and lore fit seamlessly with the book's rich culture. It had a perfectly built romance that felt right with it's slow burn. Characters were three dimensional and layers kept being pealed back with all of them. I felt for this book and its characters so much that I was hurting by its end. I need the next book STAT.

In short: Stunning book.