A review by scrimjm
The Next American Revolution: Sustainable Activism for the Twenty-First Century by Grace Lee Boggs


"Uncertainty rather than certainty about the future provides the basis for hope."

“Should we strain to squeeze the last drops of life out of a failing, deteriorating, injust system? Or should we instead devote our creative and collective energies toward envisioning and building a radically different form of living?
This is what revolutions are about. They are about creating a new society in the places and spaces left vacant by the disintegration of the old; about evolving to a higher Humanity, not higher buildings”

“The new possibilities that are animating millions of Americans and people around the world did not spring out of thin air and were not handed to us from above. They were potentialities that millions of us have nurtured for years. Now we must continue to care for them and help them blossom.”