A review by ljrinaldi
Monster Science: Could Monsters Survive (and Thrive!) in the Real World? by Helaine Becker


Could Frankenstien's Monster be done today, and walk amongst us? Do vampires exist? What about Big Foot? These and more are covered in this great book for the middle school crowd, just about the right age to not only wonder about monsters, but to lap up the science in the book, which is presented with cool pictures, and little facts.

And what about the above questions? Well, we do have organ transplants, as well as Face transplants, so while we cannot animate the dead, we can build people from parts if the parts are live. And although we don't have people going around drinking blood to survive, there are animals that drink blood, such as female mosquitoes. And bigfoot? There are stranger things out there, so who knows?

Learn about the Hayflict Limit, and cheat death. Learn how there are 4 percent of people in the world with Neanderthal DNA, and what DNA means. Learn about zombies in the animal kingdom, such as the mind-controlling fungus that takes over ants.

This is a fun read, and I think if you give it to your favorite middle-schooler, or to even an adult, they will have a good time with it.

Thanks to Netgalley for making this book available for an honest review.