A review by reviewerlarissa
Stone Cold Foxe by Haley Walsh


Review for BookWinked

Skyler Foxe is back in this fun, sweet, romantic and mysterious new adventure of Skyler and his merry band! This time it’s not just wedding bells that seem to dodge Skyler’s steps, but he also needs to stay one step ahead of a crazy stalker that doesn’t have Skyler’s best interest at heart.

This seventh instalment in the contemporary mystery series picks up right where Crazy Like a Foxe leaves off. In typical Skyler style, Skyler popped “THE” question and now he has to own up to it. What follows creates a new layer for both Skyler’s character, but also Keith’s. We get more insights into what makes them tick and motivates them. Especially Skyler. We already knew about most of them, but this story creates another dimension. I certainly liked that.

It’s one very sweet story, but I liked that there was not just a wedding to focus on. It might have become a little too sticky sweet otherwise. Although the mystery was not as big as it was in previous books, it was still there and nicely done too.

Stone Cold Foxe brought the series to a new height with some solid writing, humour, a little angst, romance (that wedding!!!) and the SFC trying to be helpful and not always succeeding. Although that cake… mmmm.

Fans of the series will love this new instalment of the Skyler Foxe series and if you haven’t read it yet, go get it now