A review by jamiezakian
A Peculiar Curiosity by Melanie Cossey


Wow! I don't even know where to start. A Peculiar Curiosity was an amazing read. It kept me up at night turning pages, reading until the wee hours of the morning. Melanie Cossey created rich and immersive worlds, and you can tell a lot of work went into crafting the historical aspects. The story is dark, very Poe-esque, which is great for the Halloween season.

Duncan Clarke is an anthropology professor who's life is falling apart. At the worst possible time, when it seems he's lost everything that matters to him, he happens upon some old journals that once belonged to a curiosities dealer from the 1800's. There are some twisted things in these journals, which cause Duncan to fall deeper into a real-life mystery than he ever thought possible. Soon enough, Duncan finds himself retracing and reenacing some of the disturbing things from the journals in a desperate attempt to uncover the secrets that plague him.

Like most of the great classic horror novels, A Peculiar Curiosity not only takes the reader on an edge-of-your-seat ride, but it also makes them pause and think, and feel. Well written, absolutely thrilling. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who enjoys gothic type horrors that are steeped in mystery.