A review by wanderonwards
Not That Kind of Ever After by Luci Adams

Did not finish book. Stopped at 26%.
I received a free ARC of this title from the publisher and this review contains my honest opinions. 
DNF’d at 104 pages/26% 
Sigh. I think I just need to set this one aside. While I like the writing, and it’s been a quick read so far, I’m 100 pages in and unfortunately I haven’t enjoyed much of it. I feel like so many of my reads this year have featured unlikable characters and I’m really not a fan. Disappointingly, this book is the next in line despite being promoted as an empowering feminism tale. Our main character is so desperate to find her happily ever after that she’s willing to ignore every red flag to try and fit a prospective partner into the box she’s imagined her future to be. [As a side note: no partner is ever worth compromising your identity or values just because you want to check off an imaginary milestone. This should have been my first sign that this book wasn’t for me.] I also really disliked the main character’s toxic, obsessive, and controlling relationship with her “best” friend. 
Is it too much to ask for to have an empowering feminism tale with a main character who is actually likable? This story could have been so enjoyable, but the main character has so much growth ahead of her to be redeemable that I won’t be reading on to discover what was promised. I’ve enjoyed so many other books published through St. Martin’s Griffin, and I’m sad to see how far off the mark this story was. Thank you again to the publisher for sending me a free ARC even if this title didn’t work for me.