A review by mehsi
Be Prepared by Vera Brosgol


2020 re-read: This was a fun read again, I loved the camp and all the things they did there, though I am not sure if it would have been for me. How they all talked Russian and had church, how there were hikes and games (though the games should have some rules). I did feel for our MC, her expectations were quite different, but I loved that in the end she found something to love. I don't get why she was put in with girls 5 years older, why not with some younger ones? Now she couldn't connect at all. Plus, everyone in her camp part was just mean and bitchy. Bleh. I love the fact this book's illustrations were all greenish/white. I loved the guinea pigs and the squirrels. So cute.
I totally agreed with her on wanting to have normal toilets. :P


A delightful and interesting book about young Vera, a girl who feels out of place everywhere (haven't we all?). Her Russian roots aren't helping, and so she decides on a Russian camp. It should be fun right? And everyone is Russian? That should be perfect? Well, no. Sadly, she notices that the camp isn't as fun for many reasons, and I at times just felt so bad for her that she was having such a terrible time. Poor thing.
I loved reading about the camp though, the church (in the rain), the fact they had to speak Russian, sang Russian songs, and all the other things.
I am happy for what happened nearer to the end. Yay!
Vera really has a talent for drawing and I am hoping she will continue with it.
All in all, a fabulous book, highly recommended!