A review by jdintr
Whatever Happened to Interracial Love? by Kathleen Collins


These stories were written in the 1970s and 80s, but Collins's voice seems fresh and present to the reader in 2017.

The best story in the collection is the book opener, "Exteriors," a haunting look at the rise and fall of a relationship written in the terms of lighting directions and directorial notes. The title story looks at two roommates in Harlem during the Summer of 1963, an African American woman and a white woman, who are both experimenting in interracial relationship. The story captures the zeitgeist of that era very, very well, while moving both forward and backward in time to as the title question, "Whatever happened to interracial love?"

I plan to share "Exterios" with my writing students. It's a masterpiece. Each one of these stories is worth a read and will inspire amazement and reflection.