A review by ijustincross
Only the Rain by Randall Silvis


Okay, so this was a fun book but wasn’t as thrilling as I would’ve hoped. The first third felt very much like Tell-Tale Heart by Poe. Russell was so guilty and pained by what he did, but there didn’t seem to be an actual threat to him or his family. By the second third, everything seemed to be kicking off, there was a threat and Russell had things at stake. Finally, the last third was just underwhelming. After the exciting second third I expected the end to be equally as exhilarating but it wasn’t. The resolution came far to easily for Russell and Pops. Obviously it took some man power on their parts but they did it with such ease that it wasn’t exciting. My initial feeling when the book was over was, “Oh. That’s it?” Russell didn’t have any major repercussions for his actions, he got away with everything. His grandpa was the only one who knew. And that doesn’t excite me.
It wasn’t bad book. The writing was great and I enjoyed the characters quite a bit but the pacing just wasn’t the best.