A review by stephibabes
The Rabbit Hutch by Tess Gunty


I kind of just stumbled across this as an audiobook on the Libby app by Overdrive through my local library. I read the synopsis and thought I would take a chance as it sounded like the sort of thing that I might enjoy whilst doing house work. Well, I am certainly glad I took that chance!

This novel is packing serious storytelling ability and centering issues with such ease that it doesn't feel like "issues", but the mess of life. But it isn't the mess of life is it? And Gunty uses the voices of the female characters to show their intellect, insight and critique the system and society they inhabit, all whilst facing atrocious male violence, with such deft.

A brilliant feminist novel and I am excited for more from Gunty. Also, big respect for her being involved with the narration of the audiobook, it was brilliantly done!

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