A review by ollie_lee
The Monkey Wrench Gang by Edward Abbey


I am not a big fan of Edward Abbey's writing style. I would have enjoyed this book more if it were not for the long winded descriptions of the desert and the round about conversations that seem to go no where.
Now for the parts I did like, the characters were wonderful and horrible at the same time. They had this umbrella view that what they were doing was right and justified under the guise of Eco-terrorism but in actuality they were just assholes that like to blow shit up. That was my view anyway and I completely endorse it.
I did not really care for the racist and misogynistic remarks but you have to remember that this was published in 1975. That still doesn't make it right.
One thing I started doing towards the end of the story that I recommend you try if your going to read this book is to look up the locations that Edward Abbey describes. There are no amount of words to show you how beautiful this country really is.