A review by naomilane
Ecstasy Unveiled by Larissa Ione


I love doing rereads of books I loved. This one is no exception. I think I loved it even more the second time around. ECSTASY UNVEILED is such an amazing book, this entire series is amazing.

I already said it but I'll say it again, I absolutely adore Larissa's writing style and this spectacular universe she created. Reading her books is always a pleasure, they transport me into this world where everything is possible and where sexy-as-hell demons exist.

I love all the characters in the Demonica/Lords of Deliverance series, they're all amazing and reading once more about Lore and Idess was perfect. They're such a great, beautiful, sexy couple. I need more of this in my life.

Their story is poignant, there are so many things going on in this book and yet it doesn't feel like it. Larissa did an amazing job with the plot, there was the perfect amount of everything. I loved that we got to see a lot of each brother, Eidolon, Shade, Wraith and Kynan (and Sin!).

I adored Lore and Idess's relationship. It was beautiful, funny, hot and not even a little bit frustrating. It was the perfect pace, not too fast and not too slow to develop. Thank you Larissa for that!

Lore is a pretty great character, I fell in love the first time and a little bit more the second time. He's such a bad ass, selfless, caring guy. He loves his sister deeply and wants what's best for her. I loved their relationship actually. He's an assassin and good at it. His last mission, the one who will free him and his sister from their master, is to kill Kynan (Gem's husband and if you've read the previous books, you know him). And that is how he meets Idess.

Idess is quite the woman (or angel) as well. She loves what she is and she cannot wait to ascend and go to Heaven but, in the meantime, she has people to protect. And she's dedicated to her job. She's very close to ascend but for that to happen she needs to protect Kynan from getting killed and there is one Seminus Demon who is hell bent on accomplishing that task.

I just love them. The way they met, how their relationship evolved, everything was perfect. The chemistry between them was palpable and holy shit, the sex scenes were scorching hot. Seriously!
Anyway, I loved absolutely everything about this book. The characters (the secondary characters were as good as the main ones), the entire story, the romance...just everything.