A review by bookishpatricia
Sign Here by Claudia Lux

Did not finish book. Stopped at 25%.


DNF'ed but rating for the review. 1 star: (I would rather babysit than keep reading this (and I dislike children)

Partial review of “Sign Here” grabbed from my Bookstagram (@bookishpatricia)

Well first off, its concept of hell is fresh AF.

Second, I myself am not a stranger to bargaining during bad moments of my life. That in times of desperation, you *swear* you’ll do better once you overcome that hurdle. We’ve all been there, we’ve all done that. This book is making me think that while I assume that I’m bargaining with a Higher Being, could that really be the case.. or was I actually bargaining with the devil?

Uncomfortable but true — when you ask for something, you’re given the opposite. You ask for patience, you’re given difficult people to deal with. You want to win at something, you get back to back setbacks. And so on. So, to wit, when you ask for a result, you’re given the lesson instead. That’s the long, exhausting yet rewarding road.

The devil doesn’t do that. The devil is sneaky and it’s very sexy. It seduces and tempts you until you rationalize the red flags yourself. It gives you short-term pleasure aka what you want now, in exchange for long-term suffering. Unless of course, you clean up your act. But the devil is like your narcissistic ex who’ll tell you everything you want to hear at the most perfect moments, so you better put those concrete walls up.

What I’m saying is, there’s something to be had in suffering and pain. If it’s all too good to be true, it’s probably too good to be true. When something looks too easy, think twice.

As Pey said, “The truth is I didn’t do anything to the mailbox. I didn’t touch the envelope. People should really open their mail before they call on us.”

Things might be more than what you bargained for. Trust yourself first.