A review by seventhchariot
Foreshadow: Stories to Celebrate the Magic of Reading and Writing YA by Nova Ren Suma, Emily X.R. Pan


OMG this anthology has everything!! POC rep. from multiple backgrounds, f/f relationships and friendships, all the amazing YA feels, cool author notes and inspirations, and writing advice (which I will totally be implementing for NaNoWriMo this year)!!!

TW: grief, suicide, body horror, death of an animal, cannibalism, and more that I may be forgetting

My favorite short story out of this collection was Sweetmeats by Linda Cheng! This had everything in a story that I could ever ask for! It's very much like Wilder Girls by Rory Power (one of my fav books) in that it has f/f friendship at its core and lots of interesting body horror stuff going on! It was a really unique retelling of Hansel and Gretel and I am so sad that this isn't a full-length novel because I could read this all day long!!

A couple of other stories that I also really enjoyed were Risk by Rachel Hylton, Fools by Gina Chen, and Break by Sophie Meridien!

The writing advice was probably my favorite because I loved how it wove inspiration from the previous story and made it into motivating and encouraging advice with lots of questions and tasks to keep you involved!

I received an eARC via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. I am also apart of a blog tour hosted by the publishers. This in no way influenced my review which is entirely my own.