A review by colleen987
Monstrous Design by Kat Dunn


With thanks to Head of Zeus and Kat Dun for an Advanced Readers Copy of this book.

4 1/2*

I gave the first in the trilogy 3*, this instalment is a wonderfully welcome step up. Now i can't wait for the concluding book.

In Monstrous Design the Battalion of the Dead are separated. Ada and Guil remain in an unsettled Paris in which the revolution looks set to collapse. At the same time Cam and Al have travelled to England in search of Olyampe. This gives us a very well executed multi POV story telling style that held me on the edge of my seat racing to finish.

I got completely lost in this world with this book and faced that horrible mix of I need to know what happens but i really don't want it to end. I've added both to my tbr to read again before the year is out.