A review by literaryladydeath
The Sunken City by Emma V.R. Noyes


Overall, this book unfortunately did not live up to what I thought it was going to be. There was a strong start with the setting and story, but it lost it’s spark for me throughout part 2. The settings very much confusing the further you get into the novel the original setting was that a 1700s pirates fantasy, but it lost spark when it went underwater there were a plethora of modern terms that brought me out of the proper setting (e.g. nightclub, pizza, miniskirt, fake IDs).
From the beginning there were out of place sentences that didn’t quite make sense until two pages later (i.e. the comment about her parents).
I do typically enjoy young adult fantasy, and that is why I applied for this ALC, but this novel read very childish. If I didn’t have the audio I probably would’ve DNF’ed it pretty quickly after the second part. I think this book would be better enjoyed by young high school aged readers that can get past the childish dialogue, inconsistent setting (very much contemporary feeling rather than its intended fantasy), and grammar/editing issues.

The narrator of this title was fantastic!
Thank you NetGalley & Dreamscape Media for this ALC!