A review by caligirlrae
Blissful Summer: Make You Mine Again\\Unraveled by Cheris Hodges, Lisa Marie Perry

This review is for Lisa Marie Perry's Unraveled

First of all I love, love, love this cover! So gorge!

I was generously gifted this book by Ms. Perry and I couldn't wait to read her heroine because I love Lisa's way with dialogue! She always writes characters in ways that shows their personality through dialogue and description. Her heroines have a particular way of being funny and interesting that makes it so fun to follow their journey.

Unfortunately with Unraveled, I'm going to have to step away from it as I don't think I'm the target audience for it. As I read on, some of the aspects of the story pushed my comfort and pet peeve button. What I did read had me chuckling as I think Lisa has a knack for writing rom coms and I love her flair for dialogue. Although this book isn't for me, I think it would definitely fit readers looking for more steamier, erotic style reads. As I enjoyed reading her last book Midnight Play, I hope to sample some more of her books in the near future.