A review by crash369
Midnight Tides by Steven Erikson


When I started this book, I had a terrible time figuring out where it fit into the Malazan world. Turns out it doesn't. It takes place way before any of the characters (or even their peoples) we know have existed. I would not put it past the author to somehow tie all the events together (maybe a few books later), but for now the whole book seems wildly out of context. Continuing on this theme of confusion is a huge cast of characters with difficult-to-remember names and unclear allegiances. And top all of this off with a plot that builds and builds, but then just ends at the climax. Yes, we got to the big battle, but what about all these characters you've made me keep track of for the entire 1000 pages? What happens to them next?

It's hard to call this a poor book, because its not. But in the end, I feel very little satisfaction or even much enjoyment for having read it