A review by theesotericcamel
Apocalyptic Witchcraft by Peter Grey


A very engaging look on what it means to be a practicing witch in the modern age. Peter Grey draws from many different sources for inspiration (which you can see for yourself in the Select Bibliography included at the end). And it is Grey's wide sense of inspiration that helps imbue the text with relevance. Although not as revolutionary as I was led to believe, there is still a lot of food for thought contained within. Each chapter seems devoted to dissecting an idea or concept associated with witchcraft. Chapter subjects range from such things as The Witches Sabbath, Lycanthropy, The Goddess, and even Satan himself. Each chapter traces the possible origin(s) of the symbol, how it has changed over time, and how it fits into our modern times. Mind you, this is not a history of these concepts as such. More of an examination on why they are strongly associated to witchcraft and how we can use it to our advantage now. This book is definitely aimed at the self-identified witch. It urges one to get out of the armchair and engage in the world. For you see, all the essays that make up each chapters are supposed to coalesce into the big picture... Which is for witches everywhere to get up and do something. Peter Grey sees the world being raped by capitalism and greed, all at the expense of the environment. The environment and nature, Grey argues, is the source of magick and witchcraft. It is up to us to defend our allies, and this book is a clear call to arms.