A review by teeggzz
Lady Renegades by Rachel Hawkins


I felt like this series just went down hill. It had so much potential but in the end kinda fell flat. There wasn't as much humor as there was in the first two books which was kinda disappointing. In saying that though I actually didn't mind this book it just wasn't the best out of the trilogy.

Don't know why but I just didn't really like Harper as much in this book. In Lady Renegades I feel like she was being a lot more snobbier than usual and over all didn't like her attitude. I loved her a lot more in the first two books where she had some amazing one liners.

Blythe really surprised me. We didn't see her at all in Miss Mayhem so I assumed that she just up and left town but oh no bitches she's back. It took me a while to some what trust Blythe and when I was just starting to come to terms with her Harper decides to push her in the pool. Classic Harper.

Honestly this book wasn't that exciting and had a lot of plot holes. The only pieces of action we had were Bee and Harper consistently getting their asses kicked by crazy Paladin girls and the finale which wasn't as thrilling as I'd hoped. Harper was quite frankly useless in this novel because she lost her powers. according to her she couldn't fight at all now. Bullshit. Just because you lost your magical abilities doesn't mean you're automatically gonna be shit at fighting. Harper went through all those physical training's with Saylor so she should at least on instinct remember some of those skills and be physically fit. I mean she does do cheerleading and she's tried to save her best friend from Blythe and the crazy civilian's at Cotillion. That just made no sense to me. If it weren't for Blythe then Harper and Bee would've been screwed.

Honestly the plot was running dry because by the time we found David I'd lost my connection with him. We hadn't seen him in so long and I needed more of him in this book to enjoy it. And the whole thing with only male oracles going crazy is a bit far fetched. Honestly half of the information didn't connect. So your telling me that Blythe could now magically resurrect David but she couldn't drain his powers from him? Honestly resurrection seems a lot harder. I was also pissed off when Harper just walked out after killing David without a goodbye. She didn't even kiss him or break down in tears she just walked out. Okay...

Not gonna lie I kinda figured David would come back as the new student. I'm glad he's still alive but it's frustrating that Harper and David have to start their relationship all over again. David won't be able to remember all their funny memories together which kinda sucks.

Over all it was an average finale to this trilogy. I kinda feel like book three and two could've been combined because it really made the final book suffer. It was too short and not as exhilarating as I'd hoped. Had a little bit of humor and great character development for Blythe but that was about it. The ending was satisfying enough but won't be gaining a spot on my favourites.