A review by emmajw
The Sense and Sensibility Screenplay and Diaries: Bringing Jane Austen's Novel to Film by Emma Thompson


Absolutely delightful. I couldn’t put it down once I got to Emma Thompson’s diaries from set, but loved reading the screenplay too. I think I was smiling to myself almost the whole time I was reading. I didn’t realize I could be more in love with Ms. Thompson than I already am, but here we are. My God, she is funny.

For those of you who rush out to read this book but don’t have encyclopedic knowledge of her personal life, let me share some background. Shortly before the film started shooting, Ms. Thompson went through a very public break up with her husband, Sir Kenneth Branagh, as he was having an affair with Helena Bonham Carter. For those paying attention, yes, all three did eventually go on to give fabulous performances in the Harry Potter movies along with the other 5 or 6 actors from the UK. Back to the break up: Ms. Thompson was 36 and miserable. In her diaries, she makes a few references to Greg Wise (who plays Willoughby) and how gorgeous he is, but not much more than that. We now know that they fell madly in love after meeting on set, got married, have a beautiful family, and continue to be blissfully happy per the various podcast episodes I’ve enjoyed on the subject. Ms. Thompson went on to win the Oscar for best adapted screenplay for S&S (yes!!! she played Elinor and adapted the script!!!), becoming the first person ever to win Oscars for writing and acting (she also won for best supporting actress in 1993 for Howard’s End). She continues to hold that distinction. As a side note: I highly recommend her Desert Island Discs episode.

This was such a pleasure of a reading experience. *Chef’s kiss*