A review by thesgtrekkiereads
The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams


brilliant. See my separate reviews for more.

book 1 - 5 stars plus an extra star for Stephen Fry (audio book accompaniment). 

book 2 - 5 stars.. 4 stars for book... 1 star for Martin freeman... 1 extra star just for being Martin freeman.. He took over from Stephen Fry. .

Book 3 - not as bad as I thought it would be. 3 stars story. 1 star Martin freeman.

Book 4 - 2.5 stars story.. Martin freeman gets 1.5 stars for helping me get through this. ..my 2nd least favourite.

Young zaphod plays it safe - 2 stars. Unnecessary. 

Book 5 - feels different somehow from the others. Better than 4. Or maybe cos the last 2 weren't great this felt better?

3 stars story.
1 star Martin freeman. 

Now it's over.. I'll miss Martin freeman accompanying me on this awesome journey...