A review by kathycolvi
Ordinary Grace by William Kent Krueger


This book strikes close to home having grown up in Minnesota and born just maybe 5 years later than Frank; I didn’t grow up in a small town there but spent much time in one very close to the towns mentioned on frequent visits to my grandparents on both parents’ sides. The story rings so deeply true to what I remember of life at that time and place and what it was like being a child there and how everyone knew everyone. I knew some stories but surely there were so many more that both bound and separated the people of the community. Church was a huge part of community life and the pastor/minister was a central figure as was Frank’s father in this story.

I don’t know to what extent it is my personal history that drew me into this story but I feel tears, loss, amazement, human, flawed, hopeful and grace - such an overwhelming confusion and brew of emotions. Even absent my personal connection stirring up emotions, this story is one not to be missed. The writing is elegant and true to the human experience - so, so many human flaws confronted and so much compassion for those flaws in response.

What I will never forget is the bond of two brothers and how they saw their world more clearly together. And, the character, Jake - if only we could all see those around us and beyond, as redeemable and with value, we would find our world a better place.

Unforgettable story - not to be missed.