A review by scheu
Cyclonopedia: Complicity with Anonymous Materials by Reza Negarestani


I was excited to read this book once I heard the nutso title. Really excited, but I couldn't find a library that had it, so I sprung for my own copy. Woe be to me. I made it through the first 50 pages before stopping, and I wouldn't have read that much, except I was on a seven-hour flight to Honolulu and had nowhere else to be.

The first few pages are a hopeful kind of Gibsonesque new-century sprawl, as are the footnotes, but the rest is purpoted psychotic rambling. 99% of the book. Mostly incomprehensible although the core mystical elements were intriguing. It's entirely possible I just don't "get it", because big name authors like China Mieville (love) raved about it. I hate to think that an author I appreciate would sling BS. If any of my friends and/or Goodreads compatriots read this all the way, explain it to me.