A review by a_pilgrim
Superman Returns: The Prequels: Bryan Singer Presents the Official Movie Prequals Sic by Bryan Singer


"In all the known worlds, change is the only constant.
And still we cling to the matrix of life, ever fearful that we shall, in its passing, be forgotten, erased from the halls of time where others, bereft of our knowledge, will be doomed to make the same mistakes."

"You will give them the greatest gift a dying world can impart."

[Ⓒ DC Comics]

Hope… and expectations… of both, the evil and good kind… is what these 4 stories (or miniseries) attempt to point towards… but, except for one, the others stories sadly fail on both the fronts, the storyline and also the artwork.

The story, the second one, in which we go through the eyes, thoughts and memories of Martha Kent, the adoptive mother of Superman, is very good. It is deep and thoughtful, and also the illustrations are wonderful. In this story, the life of a young Clark Kent is shown.

The first story is about the final moments on Superman`s birth home Planet Krypton. The other two are from the perspective of Lex Luthor and Lois Lane.

[Ⓒ DC Comics]

Overall, despite the badly ‘executed’ other miniseries, this graphic novel felt to be a worthy read for the second story.