A review by noa_ashley_
Sweet Like Whiskey by Emmy Sanders


"When you get knocked down, you give me your hand, and I will pull you back up again." - Jackson

"Darling feels like home in a way what Maine never did." - Ashley

Ashley is so sweet and he really cares for people, he wants them to feel seen. For example Ira eats gluten-free and Ashley always makes sure that there is an option for him (Ashley is cooking for the Darling family and their employees) without making a big thing about it. Both the characters have had an ex had left some emotional scars, but there was room and understanding to talk about that.

Jackson really helps with Ashley's back pain, Jackson is always looking out for the people around him and they both care so much about each other and this family that they created and are in. I really love the dynamic Jackson has with his brother and parents, they can talk openly about their feelings and sexuality, that is clear by the way they are raised. I love Jackson's mother so much, she just wanted her son to find love again. Nothing is better than a grumpy character turning into a big softie because of their partner. They just feel so safe with each other, they rescue each other whenever they need it the most. I really loved this book and I'm excited about the next book, it's really a beautiful family and small town that Emmy Sanders created.

"Those horses are more than workers or pets to us. They're family." - Jackson

I really love that Emmy finds ways to include (mental) illnesses in her books so that people can recognize themselves and/or create an understanding for those illnesses so people can learn more about them. I feel seen and Emmy always does that with so much care.

I received an ARC copy of this book and this is my honest review