A review by poisonivy70
Thanks Fur Last Night by Milly Taiden, Kate Baxter, Eve Langlais


2.5-3 stars
Three stories, with varying degrees of success, let's dive into this shindig.

Bearing His Sin - 1.5-2 stars
*blinks* I...yeah, I don’t know. There’s some (very subjective) humor to this and if that was all I was interested in, I might have liked it more. But romance is what brings me in the door, and this was definitely lacking. Cole makes some token comments about how Anja’s his, and Anja says she’s attracted to him. But their actions speak louder ….

Yeah they’re basically assholes. Both of them. Which, if you think about it make them perfect for each other, even if it didn’t make their romance particularly palatable. I wanted to like this, but it just didn’t work for me.

Bought By The Bear - 2 stars
This story has the same problem I have with most of Ms. Taiden’s books, though I keep hoping it gets better because there’s always something that draws me in. I love her plot ideas. I love that her heroines almost always are confident and curvy. The heroes are fairly standard if serviceable alphas. But then the story itself….it just goes sideways. Her heroes/heroines talk about being attracted to personality, I always seem to say to myself “how do they know each other’s personality? They barely spoke to each other.”

Internal monologues do not count as conversations and they spent way too much talking in their own heads or to other people, not to each other. Another story I wanted to love, but it ended up just being an ok read.

The Alpha and I - 4 stars
My favorite by far of this antho. I just enjoy Ms. Baxter’s writing, and I thought there was a good amount of information shared regarding this particular ‘verse and werewolf mythology without it feeling forced. I liked Liam and Devon’s chemistry and while I wasn’t as big a fan of the climax (it felt kind of rushed), or perhaps because I was just dying to really like a story, I think this was the best of the bunch.

The Bottom Line 2.5-3 stars
Overall, this wasn’t as strong as I hoped. This is a very conditional rec - If you’re a fan of these particular authors, you may enjoy this more than I did. If you're a general fan of shifter romances, I would absolutely recommend the Baxter story, but the other two were just meh for me.

**ARC provided by publisher via netgalley for review**

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