A review by mackle13
Dragons of Winter Night by Margaret Weis


2 1/2

Slower pace and even more jumpy than the first. It seemed like a lot of the story was cut for this one as we join the action months later, and some stuff felt open and unexplained. Definitely missing on characterization in this one.

The art is still good, but seemed different - characters looked a bit off, even tho it's the same artist. And we're introduced to even more characters in an already laden cast. Also, a lot of characters look too similar, making it even harder to tell them apart. What's with the long blonde hair, and why do 3 of 4 of the ladies have to have the same hairdo? And the knights! Apparently you are limited to one beard style to be a knight.

Anyway, a lot of adventure trilogies have the slow middlel book which pretty much only serves to get everyone in place for the finale, and this was pretty much that. Hardish to follow in places, and generally ho-hum.

*minor spoiler*

Btw - ya ever notice that the 'bad girls' always have dark hair? What's up with that?