A review by ashjreads
What If It's Us by Becky Albertalli, Adam Silvera


DNF - 1.5/5 stars to what I did read of it. Stopped at pg. 295.

I really wanted to like this one, I truly did. If you read this, what I am going to guess is a big rant, you deserve a sticker.

I love a good YA book, do not get me wrong, but this one is just Too Much. It's packed FULL of references to Harry Potter (at least 19 different times from when I started counting) and musicals. It feels as if the authors are trying to "connect with the youths" and completely missed the mark. It landed on being cringey and unreadable. If you can't write a relatable teenager? Don't write teenagers. New Adult exists. or even just regular fiction. I was a teenager at the time this was written, I would've laughed at their idea of what being a teenager is if I had read it then.

My major problem with this book though, and why I couldn't bear to finish it, is the dynamic between Ben and Arthur. Do they even actually like each other? Sure, they had a "meet cute" or whatever but it truly feels like they're dating because they both just happen to be gay. They have like 0 chemistry and move WAY too fast. One page I'm reading them argue about petty BS and the next they were trying to have sex? YOU'VE KNOWN EACH OTHER FOR 2 WEEKS! I can't bear to read this any longer so I have decided to just move on. Life is too short to be reading books you don't enjoy.