A review by akookieforyou
The Fallen by Celia Thomson



WOW! This book is so bad. I, like many others, watched the ABC Family adaptation, and I remember liking it (I was 11 when it came out though lol), so I wanted to read the original story, especially since the series got cancelled. But this was just plain awful.

The characters were so unbelievably annoying and irritating, especially Chloe. She was probably the worst part, to be honest. Her attitude towards literally everyone really got on my nerves. Her friends weren't the greatest, especially Amy, but she was pretty rude to them too, and she wanted to shift all the blame to them. I also didn't appreciate how she kept calling Alyec (that's how it was spelled in the novel) stupid throughout the whole book either. She spent no time actually getting to know him, and just assumed things about him. Brian was bland and predictable, which sucks because I liked him a lot in the show.

But the worst crime this book committed, was being unbearably boring. I could not get immersed or invested in anything that was happening at all. The writing was also really poor, it made it hard to visualize or sympathize with anything. It's incredibly disappointing how all of this potential was lost. The idea of this story is fascinating, hence why I've wanted to read it for so long. I can't say that I would recommend this to anyone.