A review by readtiltheworldisblurry
Coraline by Neil Gaiman


I read this book during my second year of uni, and while I really liked it (enough to keep it after the semester) I kind of forgot about it. I saw the movie a year ago and really liked it, so going back and reading the book was a treat cause I rediscovered my love for it.

It’s scary. Like, way scarier than I originally thought. It makes you unsettled but you still really want to read and find out how it ends. There are differences between the book and movie, but the movie has to fill a lot more screen time than the book. A whole character from the movie was not in the book, but he wasn’t missed in the small book. The author puts a lot of plot in such a small book, but it has wonderful pacing and kept me on the edge of my seat.

Love love love it!!!