A review by thisisxtina
Orphan Black by Jody Houser, Graeme Manson, John Fawcett


I couldn't quite tell if this was for people who had already seen the show or for newcomers to the clone club, but either way it was lacking just a bit at first. The book follows 5 of the clones (Sarah, Helena, Alison, Cosima, Rachel) from the beginning events of season 1. It starts off with Sarah but this section of the book was basically the first episode translated right to the page. This felt a bit repetitive and boring for someone who has already been a fan of the show. The Rest of the stories, however, are sort of like missing scenes or events that happened in another perspective which was interesting for me, but would have been very confusing for people new to Orphan Black. Helena and Cosima's wound up being my favorite stories. A definite strength of the book are the alternate cover pages- Soooo pretty. If you love Orphan Black get past the first section, the rest are a nice insight to the clone sister's stories.