A review by diazona
Movie Star by Lizzie Pepper by Hilary Liftin


This is not the kind of book I usually read, but I heard it was an unusually realistic view into how life works for major celebrities, and that had me intrigued. I don't know if that's true, but it seems plausible, and it *was* interesting being mentally transported into that world. But the writing style leaves something to be desired. It felt "flat". Emotional and intense moments came across like a clinical report. And there were some pretty significant plot developments that the book glossed over, only giving brief recaps. Maybe that fits the genre of a celebrity memoir, I'll admit, but I think the story as a whole suffers from not being a bit more like a novel in those moments. Still, it's a good book, and worth a read, just (if you have tastes like mine) don't expect it to be a favorite.