A review by dlarca
Joey Fly, Private Eye in Creepy Crawly Crime by Aaron Reynolds, Neil Numberman


“Life in the bug city. It ain’t easy” (p. 7)

Have you ever had one of those days? When your brand new assistant doesn’t have the first clue about collecting evidence, bungles eyewitness interviews and nothing generally goes right? Joey Fly, Private Eye is having one of those days. But he’s determined not to let little things like a clumsy assistant and getting fired stand in his way of solving the case of the missing diamond pencil case for the beautiful swallowtail butterfly, Delilah. As Fly gets closer to the truth, something is fishy, and it’s not just the smell of scorpion aftershave. Will he be able to solve the case?

I don’t normally read graphic novels but I really loved Joey Fly. I was amused by Reynolds’ use of what Booklist calls “this noir-type story filled with classic detective dialogue and swarms of insect humor.” The art is clean and stays firmly within its designated boxes, which I appreciate because it helps me follow the story better. I’m not a big fan of more cluttered pages with a lot happening, like The Secret Science Alliance. My only concern would be for the audience-will they appreciate the element of film noir? Or will it be lost on them?