A review by mugwumpun
Worlds of Exile and Illusion: Three Complete Novels of the Hainish Series in One Volume--Rocannon's World; Planet of Exile; City of Illusions by Ursula K. Le Guin


Semley's story: Semley pays a price to achieve her goal
Roccannon's World: fun adventure with a deft protagonist, who acquires mindspeech in a cave toward the end. This ends up being crucial to the development of humans in this galaxy. Different aliens and creatures, and the backdrop of a potential interplanetary conflict
Planet of Exile: somber tale of colonists from an advanced League world left on a less technologically advanced world trying to rally a group against a invasion/migration of other peoples. Ends with exhilarating and tragic action.
City of Illusions: Twists and turns, adventures of a protagonist through a land of mistrust and lies. Did not see the ending coming - who are the Shing? Are they real? Are they tricking you still? Would love to see their response to the action of the very last page.