A review by bookishvice
Meant to Be by Lauren Morrill


Julia is on a class trip to London, the place where her parents met, fell in love, and got married. They were simply “meant to be,” something that Julia desperately believes in. In fact, she already knows who is her MTB. But one week of being partnered with Jason, the class-clown, and Julia’s whole world and carefully laid out plans are thrown out the window. She’s about to learn that perfect doesn’t exist and the most unexpected things can be ‘meant to be.’

Lauren Morrill’s debut novel Meant to Be is the type of story that keeps you laughing and swooning all throughout. I couldn’t get enough of it!

Julia is the shy, nerdy, unpopular girl of her class. She’s never broken the rules, nor does she ever want to, but when Jason Lippincott dares her to have some fun on the class school trip to London Julia can’t back down. She has to prove that cocky bastard that she can have fun too. And have fun she does!

I could be someone cooler, more confident, just for tonight, just for this party. I can be the uber-Julia. The Julia who says witty things and drinks and has boys, sober or otherwise, hanging on her every word.

But what Julia didn’t count on was how tangled the lies would get (oh, dear God, the lies she invents!), how ridiculous her notions really were, and how wrong she could be about people.

Jason a hottie, but he’s the class’s clown and a major jerk. His nickname for Julia is ‘Book Licker’ which not only is gross, but infuriates her to no end. After seeing Julia desperate when she receives the text message from the hot British guy, he offers his expertise in the matter in exchange for her writing all their reflection papers during the trip. You might think his attitude reeks (and it does), but it’s all for the higher purpose. I promise. As his story unfolded I couldn’t help but swoon.

Part of the reason why I loved this book so much is because I identified myself a lot with Julia: her obsession with rules, her feeling apart from every one of her class, her OCD streak of having everything in order, her love of books, and her desire for an MTB. Plus I went on a trip to London, so I totally saw myself in Julia’s shoes! And all the descriptions of the city and the places, God, I would just close my eyes and see it all perfectly. But for those of you who haven’t been to London, don’t despair, because after reading Meant To Be, you will!

*Arc copy provided by the publisher via Netgalley*